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The Faculty Grant Writing Groups have been suspended for the Fall 2020 semester.  The groups will restart in the Spring 2021 semester.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

Faculty Grant Writing Groups

Committing time to grant writing can be a challenge for faculty.  The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs exists to serve UNC faculty members.  One of ORSP's roles is to facilitate the creation and management of Faculty Grant Writing Groups where faculty can dedicate time to work on grant and other research-related writing.

Writing Group Options

ORSP strives to provide the appropriate type of writing group for various needs.

  • Regular General Writing Sessions:  Group members meet regularly (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) for focused time dedicated to writing.  A standing reservation is created by ORSP for a recurring time and location for the meetings.
  • Progress Accountability Sessions:  Group members meet regularly (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly).  Sessions are used for writing and reporting progress on writing.  A standing reservation is created by ORSP for a recurring time and location for the meetings.
  • Peer Review Sessions:  Smaller groups, 3-4 faculty,  meet regularly (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) for progress reporting, reading, editing and critiquing of each other's writing.  A standing reservation is created by ORSP for a recurring time and location for the meetings.

Writing Group Design and Best Practices

  • Writing groups will typically have 3-5 members
  • To make the most of your participation, identify an achievable, definitive writing project
  • Groups are led by faculty for faculty
  • Commitment to attending most sessions is essential to making progress and in the interest of respecting your colleagues
  • An ORSP representative will attend the first meeting for introductions and assistance with setting up the structure of the group.  ORSP staff will not attend subsequent meetings unless requested to offer support to the group
  • Special guests with experience developing competitive proposals will be invited to assist the writing groups quarterly


Please contact Carman Melendrez at carman.melendrez@madorders.com with any questions or comments